Activities in Portugal

After finishing the meetings we asked for our students’ opinion. Here you have their answers:

Students’ testimonies

From 5th to 9th May we had our meeting in Portugal. For this event our students created presentations to welcome all our guests.

Welcoming the guests – Cultural presentations

Here you can have a look at how we prepared for the different meetings.

Preparation for the different meetings

Schools from the past – preparation for Poland


Have a look at the products we brought to Slovenia

Happiness now and then

Hungary presentation

Survival kit Hungary

Kick-off in our country – starting an international project in 2012



Have a look at our preparation and work we have done before, during and after the meetings in the different countries.


Portugal  – students’ cultural presenations

Germany  – the Cinderella script

Poland  – schools in the past

Italy  – traditional games

Slovenia  – Happiness now and then

Hungary  – dance

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