Our school is located on Langeland in the south of Denmark. The island measures only 284 square kilometres and its population is made up of only 13,700 citizens. Langeland is one of the smallest municipalities in Denmark. The area which is very beautiful with its blend of rural and natural sceneries is also one of the poorest areas in the country when it comes to income per capita. Likewise the area is suffering from a significant decline in work places such as factories and farming industries. The results of this development is reflected in our pupils. Unemployment and poverty is the reality for many of our pupils’ families.
Kassebølle Friskole, which dates back to 1877, has pupils from kindergarten to upper secondary (16 years). The school is a so called ‘free school’ based on the principles laid out by Grundtvig. We focus on the balance between individual responsibilities and freedoms, the primacy of learning rather than schooling and on personal development rather than training. We see the individual’s development as dependent on the community and the development of community as dependent on the individual.
We are a school where music and theatre are integrated in the learning process. We have three major plays or shows every year where the pupils are involved in every part of the process of stage building, writing, creating costumes and acting. Last year the older pupils did a brilliant ‘Othello’.