The final meeting in Denmark

Europedia – An Overview of Comenius Activities and Meetings

At the meeting in Denmark (30. June – 4. July, 2014), we have compiled the Europedia (link), a collection of products, reports, examples of activities and methods used and many other materials produced on local and international levels in our partnership, thus concluding project activities and the two-year Comenius project »European Youth – Past, Present, Future. Raising an awareness as to the active role every European citizen has got in shaping a common European Future«.

Special thanks to all partners in the project, partner schools with its teachers, students and parents, thanks to local communities,  and thanks to all local and national representatives, who attended public presentations and exhibitions in the course of magnificent two years of cooperation and friendship.

Meeting in Italy – programme

meeting Comenius Italy

Game of the past in Italy

gioco del passato

School magazine article on Poland meeting

articolo comenius Polonia

Activities in Hungary

Here you can follow our activities before and after each meeting.

Activities in Hungary

report on Italy meeting

meeting in italy

local press article on Italy meeting


school magazine article on Italy meeting


Slovenia meeting report


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