school magazine article on Slovenia meeting


Chatting in the Slovenian Comenius corner



italy meeting photos

Italy meeting photos

Hungary meeting photos

The meeting in Hungary took place from 12. to 16. November 2012. The topic of the meeting was Dancing.
You are kindly invited to scroll through some of the snapshots of the meeting and events in Hungary.

Hungary Meeting - 12. - 16. November, 2012

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Kick-off in Portugal

The school director joined the kick off of the project in our school in the morning of the 28th September. Students were very enthusiastic about the possibility of meeting pupils from different countries, of being in contact with the cultural diversity in Europe and of working with foreign students in the activities outlined for the project. With the help of Geography teachers, students searched for every place in the map and marked it with a pin and then united them together by means of a string. Some students wrote:

This project is very important to each one of us. It is an excellent opportunity to improve our English, to meet new friends, to know about others traditions and to represent our school and our country abroad.

Kick-off in Denmark

Kick-off in Italy

The ” M. “Quadrio ” school in  Ponte in Valtellina joins with 6 other countries a European project. That means that our students will be very likely to establish meaningful contact with students from other countries that will most likely last longer than 2 years.

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Kick-off in Poland

28th September 2012 a kick-off ceremony was held in Zespół Szkół nr 7 in Gdynia, Poland.

Following the EU anthem sung by the school choir, our headmistress Ms Elżbieta Zgoła told the students about the origin of the European Union. The project coordinators Elżbieta Malec and Małgorzata Bergau-Jankowska gave a short speech about the aims and tasks of the Comenius project. Later on there was a short presentation of the partner countries prepared by the oldest students and accompanied by the original music from those countries. Each presentation was followed by a short quiz and a lot of students gave the correct answers. At the end we unveiled  the Comenius Board where all the information concerning the project will be placed.

We all enjoyed the day!!!

Kick-off in Germany

A warm-hearted and festive Comenius opening celebration at Hohenburg

After having listened to the solemn “Ode to Joy” (Schiller´s precious: “Ode an die Freude”) and thus the final movement of Beethoven´s 9th, that is the so called “European Anthem” our headmaster Mr Christoph Beck opened the “Notice Board ceremony” with a cordial welcome speech in which he briefly reminded the audience of  Europe´s divided past and enthusiastically welcomed the beginning of our Comenius Project and with it all the students and teachers involved.

“Dear colleagues, dear friends from all over Europe, dear guests, but most of all: dear students, I grew up at a time when Europe was also growing up. However, the Europe I knew then was totally different from the Europe that you know now.

We had to show our passport at the borders and needed many different currencies and Visas when we wanted to travel.

I am so glad that all this is over now and I warn you of all those trying to split Europe. For me, Europe is more than just a political union. It is a union of people who have so much in common: dancing, playing (…), working together etc.

I am glad you have the chance to participate in such a great project. In your later lives many of you will have to travel to other European countries anyhow and it doesn’t hurt if you already know somebody there or have seen the country before.(…)” (Christoph Beck/ Sept. 28th, 2012.)

Everybody enjoyed the celebrations and is now very keen on getting the project started in Hungary.


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